Topics and Articles That Caught Our Eye this Week
Dietary Fat: From foe to friend? – A nifty work from Science featuring two heavyweights in the research world battling to correct decades of misinformation – Drs. David Ludwig and Jeff Volek. If you read nothing else today – read this one.
The Case for a Low-Carb Diet is Stronger Than Ever. (A summarized lay version of the above by one of the co-authors, Dr. Ludwig)
Fasted Workouts: When They’re More Effective (and How I Incorporate Them) – a very useful blog post from one of the masters, Mark Sisson. I’ve been doing fasted workouts now (typically multiple per day) for very nearly a year now and have found he practice extraordinarily useful.
Simply Seeing and Smelling Food Preps the Liver for Digestion. If you’ve been paying attention to your body’s responses over the years, you knew this was true. Here’s the actual paper from Cell the article was based on.
Simple, functional resistance training built muscle mass in the elderly.
Is the medical establishment waking up to Lifestyle Treatment for Alzheimer’s? Short answer – kinda…
Gene recombination in Alzheimer’s.
Our Recipes from the Week
Cajun Buffalo Cauliflower with Blue Cheese Crumbles
Puerco Guisada