My Primal, Pre-Ketosis World (and a Weight Loss Stall)
Like many of you, I’ve been intrigued for several years by what I’ve read and heard about the benefits of spending time in a true state of nutritional ketosis.
My wife and I, both in our late 50s, have been for the most part eating been eating a Primal aligned diet since mid-2016, and since July of 2017 have been diligently compliant, with daily carb intake for her ranging in the 60-80 gm/day range, and me running in the 40-60 gm/day range.
We’d both noted significant weight loss, improved mental clarity, much more consistent energy throughout the day, better sleep (including resolution of nighttime heartburn), and a host of other “hey, this is really working” benefits along the way.
Personally I’d lost 100 pounds during the 15 months leading up to January 2018 (somewhat ironically exactly that amount on 31 December), though found further weight loss stalled for the first quarter of 2018, something I found incredibly frustrating.
Reflexly reaching back into my conventional wisdom / traditional medicine bag of tricks, I assumed that I just needed to up my workouts to burn more calories, no doubt entering into a pattern of chronic cardio, generating more stress (read cortisol release), in fact furthering hampering weight loss efforts, and self-inflicting a workout related back injury along the way (dammit).
A mentor suggested taking a step back, honestly and objectively taking stock of where I was with my food plan and activity approach to things; he at one point suggested taking a realistic look at my macronutrients and tweaking things a bit to enter a legitimate nutritional ketosis for at least 6 weeks, and probably longer pending my results.
Nutritional Ketosis, Where Have You Been All My Life?
I’ll share more of the nitty-gritty details next week, but the past six weeks in nutritional ketosis have been nothing short of astounding.
I’ve noted profound improvements in mental acuity and endurance, creativity, overall energy, workout performance (HIT resistance 2-3 days per week, extended walking/hikes 5-6 days per week, limited sprint sessions every 7-10 days), virtual absence of hunger, increased satiety, and perhaps most astoundingly, my weight loss stall has been overcome with an effortless 14 lb drop in these 6 weeks.
This N=1 account is anecdotal to be sure, but yet another account that supports the claims that we’re designed to be fat burning machines. I’ll share more details about my personal keto journey now and then, with another post next week detailing a closer look at my macros, using a compressed eating window/ intermittent fasting, and more.