Links and News That Caught Our Eye
An egg a day lowered cardiovascular disease (and other) risks in a study of half a million Chinese.
Canadians are happier living the rural life; it appears they’re not alone.
You’ve seen probably this by now, but a VLC diet improving control in T1DM shouldn’t really be all that surprising.
In response to a question about gut microbiota and obesity, we referred a friend to this post by Dr. Guyenet this week.
Playing with the Idea of Giving Keto a Try?
If so, consider taking a hard look at The Keto Reset Course multimedia package put out by Mark Sisson and Brad Kearns; I’ve been going though it on the recommendation of a friend who said it was worth every penny just for the interviews they did with thought leaders, researchers, scientists, and athletes (not just the endurance folks either). She was right.
Books (and Courses) We’re Reading This Week
We’re of the mindset here at Older Bolder Fitness / the Older Bolder Life that you never ever ( and I mean ever) stop learning in life, and with the explosion of great books and courses out there in the ancestral nutrition and lifestyle arena over the past decade, there’s a plethora of wonderful books worth reading (and re-reading down the road again).
For probably the next year, we’ll be reminding you of some of the critically important books that have been published in this arena, books that you’ll likely want to keep on your bookshelf, or at least borrow to plow through and soak up all you can.
That said, I’m really enjoying Jimmy Moore’s Keto Clarity this week, so much in fact we’ll likely post a fairly detailed review in the next few weeks.