Inquiring Minds Want to Know is Back
After a several month absence posting links, reads, podcasts, recipes and more, we’re back this week with a pretty damned eclectic list of things I’ve been reading and studying the past several months.
There’s a very interesting story behind the pause in posting here on the Older Bolder Life that I’ll share over the next few weeks; we’ve been busier than ever before in terms of our mission to promote and teach tools, concepts, and practical actions to optimize health for those of us over 30 during the pause.
Suffice it to say for now that simply asking hard questions during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic – questions directed toward many of my (former) colleagues in traditional / conventional medicine and related fields – invoked some fascinating and very unexpected reactions and what has been at times even extreme pushback.
It’s a stunning story in some respects and we’re deliberating the best way to tell the tale without being put on big Pharma’s hit list. More to come.
More Shameless Plugs for Exercise Regardless of Your Age
Surprising benefits from playing Pickleball.
Traditional medicine may be coming around on minimalist footwear.
Sisson on simple balance drills and why you should be doing them consistently.
Power walk for your brain health.
Here’s the Lancet reference for the article above.
High intensity exercise preserves bone health better than Pilates in postmenopausal women.
Digging a little deeper on improved brain health from late life physical activity.
An Eclectic Collection of Nutrition and Diet Data
Why I continue to change my diet. A great testament to dropping dietary rigidity for customized nutritional plans.
Olive oil is still a superfood.
More dietary fiber = less dementia risk?
How caffeine plays a role in heart disease risk reduction.
Coffee and tea might lower risk of stroke and dementia.
Does that one extra drink a day matter? Yep, it most likely does.
A major regional health care organization “discovers” that IF reduces inflammation.
Another plug for overall calorie restriction.
Brown adipose tissue reduces insulin resistance.
COVID News You’re Not Hearing in the Mainstream Media
Experts in the UK ask why is infection acquired immunity in COVID-19 being ignored.
An impressive look at natural immunity in COVID-19 and reinfection rates.
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